Travel diary - What to see, where & how

So, I like photography, cars and traveling (I also like collecting shoes but that for another page - which will be added shortly). Traveling is one of those things that everyone should do, budget permiting of course. When I lived in Sydney, Australia, it wasn't just expensive, but to travel anywhere was a bitch.

Sydney to New York - 24 hours via San Fransisco (I think it was actually longer)
Sydney to Greece - Too long

Dubai on the other hand, well, now we're in the middle of everything and I love it. Dubai to Athens for example, four hours, hardly enough to eat and watch a movie. Dubai to London, seven hours...hell, you can even drive to Saudi Arabia, Oman or Jordan if you really wanted to.

So, what does that mean? A lot more traveling, which means I get to see a lot more cars, take a lot more photos and buy a lot of pairs of a win win situation...!!!

So, in this page, when I have time and I feel like it, I will post my thoughts on countries I have visited, the good, the bad and the ugly. If I remember, I might even post places of interest and places to see, should you happen to be visiting one of the cities/countries I have been to.