The JP shoe collection

Yes, I have a foot fetish...umm, no, that's wrong...I have a shoe fetish. I give any woman out there a run for her money. For some strange reason, I think it's ok to buy a pair of shoes from each city I visit, or just buy shoes if they appeal to me. I only buy sport shoes and 98% of my collection is NIKE, the rest are PUMA and adidas.

The reason I have PUMA and adidas is to wear those, and the NIKEs to just to look at. Weird, I know, but I have 18 pairs of NIKE shoes (oldest pair is from 2003, newest bought on 13 October 2010 from London) and I have worn them all no more than five times. They basically sit in my little special shoes area and look pretty.

Do you ever look at a shoe collection and think "I can't wear them, I'll ruin them" you buy another pair just so you don't ruin the last? Yeah, that's me...!!!

Business shoes, I only have two pairs, I mean, seriously, how many pairs of shoes could you possibly wear to work, right? Anyway, this...just like all other pages in my blog, will be dedicated to my shoes. I'll post some photos, a little story behind the reason why I bought the shoes and where I bought them from. One day, my son will inherit a massive NIKE collection (yes, I have decided that I'm having a son...!!!)